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4:09:34 AM
26 Jul 2024

Local facts for Nigeria

What is the current time in Nigeria?
Nigeria is in the West Africa Time (WAT) zone, which is UTC+1.
Does Nigeria have two time zones?
No, Nigeria does not have two time zones. The entire country of Nigeria operates under a single time zone, which is West Africa Time (WAT), corresponding to UTC+1.
Does Nigeria have the same time as the UK?
Nigeria does not have the same time as the UK year-round. Nigeria operates on West Africa Time (WAT), which is UTC+1. The UK, however, operates on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) during the winter months and British Summer Time (BST), which is GMT+1, during the summer months.
Does Nigeria observe Daylight Saving Time (DST)?
Nigeria does not observe daylight saving time, so the time remains consistent throughout the year.