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Current UTC time

Country Flag - Thailand Five horizontal bands of red, white, blue, white, and red, with the blue band twice the size of the others.
12:09:27 PM
11 Sep 2024

Local facts for Thailand

What is the time in Thailand?
Thailand uses Indochina Time (ICT), which is UTC+7 hours. To calculate the current time in Thailand, you can add 7 hours to the current UTC time. For example, if the current UTC time is 12:00 PM, the time in Thailand would be 7:00 PM.
Does Thailand observe Daylight Saving Time (DST)?"
No, Thailand does not observe Daylight Saving Time. The country remains on Indochina Time (ICT), UTC+7, throughout the year.
How does Thailand's time zone compare to other countries in Southeast Asia?
Thailand shares its time zone (ICT, UTC+7) with countries like Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.
What is the time difference between Thailand and the United States?
The time difference between Thailand and the United States varies depending on the U.S. time zone. For example, Thailand is 12 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST) and 14 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Why doesn't Thailand observe Daylight Saving Time?
Thailand does not observe Daylight Saving Time because it is located near the equator, where the variation in daylight hours throughout the year is minimal.