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Current UTC time

Baker Island
United States
3:09:34 PM
25 Jul 2024
Howland Island
United States
3:09:34 PM
25 Jul 2024
American Samoa
United States
4:09:34 PM
25 Jul 2024
Jarvis Island
United States
4:09:34 PM
25 Jul 2024
Kingman Reef
United States
4:09:34 PM
25 Jul 2024
Midway Atoll
United States
4:09:34 PM
25 Jul 2024
Palmyra Atoll
United States
4:09:34 PM
25 Jul 2024
Johnston Atoll
United States
4:09:34 PM
25 Jul 2024
United States
5:09:34 PM
25 Jul 2024
Aleutian Islands
United States
6:09:34 PM
25 Jul 2024
United States
7:09:34 PM
25 Jul 2024
Pacific Time
United States
8:09:34 PM
25 Jul 2024
Mountain Time
United States
9:09:34 PM
25 Jul 2024
Central Time
United States
10:09:34 PM
25 Jul 2024
Eastern Time
United States
11:09:34 PM
25 Jul 2024
Puerto Rico
United States
11:09:34 PM
25 Jul 2024
U.S. Virgin Islands
United States
11:09:34 PM
25 Jul 2024
United States
1:09:34 PM
26 Jul 2024
Northern Mariana Islands
United States
1:09:34 PM
26 Jul 2024
Wake Island
United States
1:09:34 PM
26 Jul 2024

Local facts for United_states

What is the current time in the United States?
The United States spans multiple time zones, so the current time varies depending on the region. As of now, you would need to specify a particular state or city to get the accurate current time.
How many time zones does the United States have?
The United States officially has six time zones: Eastern Time Zone, Central Time Zone, Mountain Time Zone, Pacific Time Zone, Alaska Time Zone, and Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone.
Does the entire United States observe Daylight Saving Time (DST)?
Yes, most parts of the United States observe Daylight Saving Time (DST), except for certain regions like Hawaii and most of Arizona.